XR-AlumaFeed Suitcase wire feeders consistently deliver premium feeding performance to ensure high weld quality and keep welders in production. This feeder is intended for use with the AlumaPower MPa 350 or 450 by Miller.
This SuitCase is ultra portable and versatile! The slim ergonomic design of the XR-Aluma-Pro Torch allow access into the tightest areas. Couple an XR-AlumaFeed SuitCase feeder and AlumaPower 350 MPa or 450 MPa synergic power supply, it has the feature for all of your aluminum fabrication needs.
Heavy Duty Applications
- Boat, ship and yacht building
- Recreational vehicles
- Trucks and trailers
- Sign manufacturers
- Emergency Vehicles
- Aluminum MIG (GMAW)
- Aluminum pulsed MIG (GMAW-P)
- Aluminum synergic pulsed MIG
Included With Product
- XR-AlumaFeed SuitCase wire feeder
- Male and Female Tweco-style connectors
- .035- and 3/64-inch (0.9 and 1.2 mm) drive rolls for wire feeder, 3/64-inch installed